在面向对象系统的开发和设计过程,经常会遇到一种情况就是需求变更(Requirement Changing),经常我们做好的一个设计、实现了一个系统原型,咱们的客户又会有了新的需求。我们又因此不得不去修改已有的设计,最常见就是解决方案就是给已经设计、实现好的类添加新的方法去实现客户新的需求,这样就陷入了设计变更的梦魇:不停地打补丁,其带来的后果就是设计根本就不可能封闭、编译永远都是整个系统代码。
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 #ifndef _CONTEXT_H_ #define _CONTEXT_H_ class State; /** * **/ class Context{ public: Context(); Context(State* state); ~Context(); void Handle(); void OperationForStateA(); void OperationForStateB(); protected: private: friend class State; //表明在 State 类中可以访问 Context 类的 private 字段,重要是访问 ChangeState void ChangeState(State* state); private: State* _state; }; #endif //~_CONTEXT_H_
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 #include "Context.h" #include "State.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; Context::Context(){ } Context::Context(State* state){ this->_state = state; } Context::~Context(){ delete _state; } void Context::Handle(){ _state->Handle(this); } void Context::ChangeState(State* state){ ///_state->ChangeState(this,state); this->_state = state; } void Context::OperationForStateA(){ cout<<"Do operation in State A "; } void Context::OperationForStateB(){ cout<<"Do operation in State B "; }
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 #ifndef _STATE_H_ #define _STATE_H_ class Context; //前置声明 class State{ public: State(); virtual ~State(); virtual void Handle(Context* con) = 0; protected: void ChangeState(Context* con,State* st); private: //bool ChangeState(Context* con,State* st); }; class ConcreteStateA:public State{ public: ConcreteStateA(); virtual ~ConcreteStateA(); void Handle(Context* con); protected: private: }; class ConcreteStateB:public State{ public: ConcreteStateB(); virtual ~ConcreteStateB(); void Handle(Context* con); protected: private: }; #endif //~_STATE_H_
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 #include "State.h" #include "Context.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; State::State(){ } State::~State(){ } void State::ChangeState(Context* con,State* st){ con->ChangeState(st); } /// ConcreteStateA::ConcreteStateA(){ } ConcreteStateA::~ConcreteStateA(){ } void ConcreteStateA::Handle(Context* con){ con->OperationForStateA(); cout<<":: State change from A to B"<<endl; State::ChangeState(con,new ConcreteStateB()); } /// ConcreteStateB::ConcreteStateB(){ } ConcreteStateB::~ConcreteStateB(){ } void ConcreteStateB::Handle(Context* con){ con->OperationForStateB(); cout<<":: State change from B to A"<<endl; State::ChangeState(con,new ConcreteStateA()); }
? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 #include "Context.h" #include "State.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ State* st = new ConcreteStateA(); Context* con = new Context(st); con->Handle(); con->Handle(); con->Handle(); if (con != NULL) delete con; if (st != NULL) st = NULL; return 0; }
可以看到在测试程序中,三次调用 con->Handle(),因为 con 状态的不同,可以得到以下的输出:
? 1 2 3 Do operation in State A :: State change from A to B Do operation in State B :: State change from B to A Do operation in State A :: State change from A to B
一个对象的行为取决于它的状态, 并且它必须在运行时刻根据状态改变它的行为。
一个操作中含有庞大的多分支的条件语句,且这些分支依赖于该对象的状态。这个状态通常用一个或多个枚举常量表示。通常, 有多个操作包含这一相同的条件结构。S t a t e模式将每一个条件分支放入一个独立的类中。这使得你可以根据对象自身的情况将对象的状态作为一个对象,这一对象可以不依赖于其他对象而独立变化。