



  • 创建一个新线程
  • 在那个线程里等待
  • 等待指定时长后做任务


  • 周期性定时任务执行
  • 单次延时任务执行


#ifndef _TIMER_H_#define _TIMER_H_#include <functional>#include <chrono>#include <thread>#include <atomic>#include <memory>#include <mutex>#include <condition_variable>class Timer{public: Timer(): _expired(true), _try_to_expire(false) {} Timer(const Timer& timer) { _expired = timer._expired.load(); _try_to_expire = timer._try_to_expire.load(); } ~Timer() { stop(); } void start(int interval, std::function<void()> task) { // is started, do not start again if (_expired == false) return; // start async timer, launch thread and wait in that thread _expired = false; std::thread([this, interval, task]() { while (!_try_to_expire) { // sleep every interval and do the task again and again until times up std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(interval)); task(); } { // timer be stopped, update the condition variable expired and wake main thread std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(_mutex); _expired = true; _expired_cond.notify_one(); } }).detach(); } void startOnce(int delay, std::function<void()> task) { std::thread([delay, task]() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(delay)); task(); }).detach(); } void stop() { // do not stop again if (_expired) return; if (_try_to_expire) return; // wait until timer _try_to_expire = true; // change this bool value to make timer while loop stop { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(_mutex); _expired_cond.wait(locker, [this] {return _expired == true; }); // reset the timer if (_expired == true) _try_to_expire = false; } }private: std::atomic<bool> _expired; // timer stopped status std::atomic<bool> _try_to_expire; // timer is in stop process std::mutex _mutex; std::condition_variable _expired_cond;};#endif // !_TIMER_H_


#include <iostream>#include "timer.hpp"void func1(){ std::cout << "trigger func1" << std::endl;}void func2(int x){ std::cout << "trigger func2, x: " << x << std::endl;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Timer timer; // execute task every timer interval std::cout << "--- start period timer ----" << std::endl; timer.start(1000, std::bind(func2, 3)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5000)); timer.stop(); std::cout << "--- stop period timer ----" << std::endl; // execute task once after delay std::cout << "--- start one shot timer ----" << std::endl; timer.startOnce(1000, func1); std::cout << "--- stop one shot timer ----" << std::endl; getchar(); return 0;}


--- start period timer ----
trigger func2, x: 3
trigger func2, x: 3
trigger func2, x: 3
trigger func2, x: 3
trigger func2, x: 3
--- stop period timer ----
--- start one shot timer ----
--- stop one shot timer ----
trigger func1

到此这篇关于C++11实现简易定时器的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关C++11 定时器 内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!

