


CURL的资料参见: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_getinfo.html

复制代码 代码如下:
### author: plete upload. Bytes per second.)

content_type 就是content-Type,不用多说了,这是一个访问我博客首页返回的结果示例(text/html; charset=UTF-8);(The Content-Type of the requested document, if there was any.)

num_connects Number of new connects made in the recent transfer. (Added in 7.12.3)

num_redirects Number of redirects that were followed in the request. (Added in 7.12.3)

redirect_url When a HTTP request was made without -L to follow redirects, this variable will show the actual URL a redirect would take you to. (Added in 7.18.2)

ftp_entry_path The initial path libcurl ended up in when logging on to the remote FTP server. (Added in 7.15.4)

ssl_verify_result ssl认证结果,返回0表示认证成功。( The result of the SSL peer certificate verification that was requested. 0 means the verification was successful. (Added in 7.19.0))

若多次使用-w参数,按最后一个的格式输出。If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.

