




#coding=utf-8from selenium import webdriveroption = webdriver.ChromeOptions()option.add_argument('--user-data-dir=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data') #设置成用户自己的数据目录driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=option)


#coding=utf-8from selenium import webdriveroption = webdriver.ChromeOptions()option.add_argument('--user-agent=iphone')driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=option)driver.get('http://patible in Chrome.

Note there's a duplicate value in (to avoid

dependency on chrome module). Please change both locations at the same time.


Browser flag to disable the web inspector for all renderers.


Enable web inspector for all windows, even if they're part of the browser.

Allows us to use our dev tools to debug browser windows itself.


Configure Chrome's memory model.

Does chrome really need multiple memory models? No. But we get a lot

of concerns from individuals about how the changes work on *their*

system, and we need to be able to experiment with a few choices.


Used to set the value of SessionRestore::num_tabs_to_load_. See session_restore.h for details.

const wchar_t kTabCountToLoadOnSessionRestore[] .


Enable dynamic loading of the Memory Profiler DLL, which will trace

all memory allocations during the run.


By default, cookies are not allowed on file://. They are needed in for

testing, for example page cycler and layout tests. See bug 1157243.


Start the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings.

TODO(pjohnson): Remove this once bug 1137420 is fixed. We are using this

as a workaround for not being able to use moveTo and resizeTo on a

top-level window.


Spawn threads to watch for excessive delays in specified message loops.

User should set breakpoints on Alarm() to examine problematic thread.

Usage: -enable-watchdog=[ui][io]

Order of the listed sub-arguments does not matter.


Display the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of

whether or not it's actually the first run.



Enable histograming of tasks served by MessageLoop. See about:histograms/Loop

for results, which show frequency of messages on each thread, including APC

count, object signalling count, etc.


Perform importing from another browser. The value associated with this

setting encodes the target browser and what items to import.


Change the DCHECKS to dump memory and continue instead of crashing.

This is valid only in Release mode when –enable-dcheck is specified.


Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of

a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to

disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing.


Disable pop-up blocking.


Don't execute JavaScript (browser JS like the new tab page still runs).


Prevent Java from running.


Prevent plugins from running.


Prevent images from loading.


Use the low fragmentation heap for the CRT.


Debug only switch to specify which gears plugin dll to load.


Switch to load Gears in the renderer process.



Allow loading of the javascript debugger UI from the filesystem.


Enable new HTTP stack.


