python 实现倒计时功能(gui界面)




##import libraryfrom tkinter import *import timefrom playsound import playsound## display window root = Tk()root.geometry('400x300')root.resizable(0,0)root.config(bg ='blanched almond')root.title('TechVidvan - Countdown Clock And Timer')Label(root, text = 'Countdown Clock and Timer' , font = 'arial 20 bold', bg ='papaya whip').pack()#display current time#######################Label(root, font ='arial 15 bold', text = 'current time :', bg = 'papaya whip').place(x = 40 ,y = 70)####fun to display current timedef clock(): clock_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S %p') curr_time.config(text = clock_time) curr_time.after(1000,clock)curr_time =Label(root, font ='arial 15 bold', text = '', fg = 'gray25' ,bg ='papaya whip') = 190 , y = 70)clock()#######################timer countdown###########storing secondssec = StringVar()Entry(root, textvariable = sec, width = 2, font = 'arial 12').place(x=250, y=155)sec.set('00')#storing minutesmins= StringVar()Entry(root, textvariable = mins, width =2, font = 'arial 12').place(x=225, y=155)mins.set('00')# storing hourshrs= StringVar()Entry(root, textvariable = hrs, width =2, font = 'arial 12').place(x=200, y=155)hrs.set('00')##########fun to start countdowndef countdown(): times = int(hrs.get())*3600+ int(mins.get())*60 + int(sec.get()) while times > -1: minute,second = (times // 60 , times % 60) hour = 0 if minute > 60: hour , minute = (minute // 60 , minute % 60) sec.set(second) mins.set(minute) hrs.set(hour) root.update() time.sleep(1) if(times == 0): playsound('Loud_Alarm_Clock_Buzzer.mp3') sec.set('00') mins.set('00') hrs.set('00') times -= 1Label(root, font ='arial 15 bold', text = 'set the time', bg ='papaya whip').place(x = 40 ,y = 150)Button(root, text='START', bd ='5', command = countdown, bg = 'antique white', font = 'arial 10 bold').place(x=150, y=210) root.mainloop()


以上就是python 实现倒计时功能(gui界面)的详细内容,更多关于python 倒计时的资料请关注其它相关文章!

