ruby ftp封装实例详解


ruby ftp封装实例详解

最近自己用ruby 封装了一个Net::FTP的工具类.

class FtpTool def initialize() @current_ftp = create_ftp end

# 获取指定格式的文件名称列表

# 例如: source = "test/*.txt"

# 返回: [source/file_name.txt]

def fetch_remote_filenames(source) return [] if source.blank? log_info("source is " + source) filenames = @current_ftp.nlst(source) filenames end

# 获取服务器上确切名称的文件

# 例如: get("test/test.txt")

# 文件将被保存到本地 tmp/test/test.txt

def get(origin_file) local_file = local_file(origin_file) local_file.gsub("\\", "\\\\") #此处注意是window下执行, 在linux下需要注意改成/ log_info("Ftp Get: #{origin_file} -> #{local_file}") begin @current_ftp.getbinaryfile(origin_file, local_file+".tmp") rescue delete_local_file(local_file+".tmp") end rename_local_file(local_file+".tmp", local_file) if File.exist?(local_file+".tmp") end

# 上传文件到指定的路径

# 例如: put("tmp\\test\\test.txt", "/test/")

def put(origin_file, remote_path) return nil if not File.exist?(origin_file) _file_name = File.basename(origin_file) _root = @current_ftp.getdir @current_ftp.chdir(remote_path) log_info("Ftp put: #{origin_file} -> #{remote_path}") begin @current_ftp.putbinaryfile(origin_file, remote_path + _file_name + ".tmp") rescue delete(remote_path + _file_name + ".tmp") end @current_ftp.chdir(_root) rename(remote_path + _file_name + ".tmp", remote_path + _file_name) end

# 关闭ftp

def close @current_ftp.close if @current_ftp end

# 服务器copy文件

def copy(origin_file, file_path) local_file = local_file(origin_file) _file_name = File.basename(origin_file) begin

#1. 到本地

log_info("FTP get file to:" + local_file+".tmp") @current_ftp.getbinaryfile(origin_file, local_file+".tmp") return nil if not File.exist?(local_file+".tmp")

#2. 到服务器

log_info("FTP put file to :" + file_path + _file_name + ".tmp") @current_ftp.putbinaryfile(local_file+".tmp", file_path + _file_name + ".tmp") #3. 改名字 rename(file_path + _file_name + ".tmp", file_path + _file_name) #5. 删除本地 delete_local_file(local_file + ".tmp") rescue => e log_info(e) #4. 删除服务器上临时文件 delete(file_path + origin_file + ".tmp") #5. 删除本地 delete_local_file(local_file + ".tmp") end end

# 服务器上移动文件

def move(origin_file, file_path) _file_name = File.basename(origin_file) begin copy(origin_file, file_path) # 删除服务器上源文件 delete(origin_file) rescue => e log_info(e) # 删除临时文件,如果存在 delete(file_path + _file_name + ".tmp") # 删除服务器上目标文件, 如果存在 delete(file_path + _file_name) end end

# 重命名服务器文件

def rename(origin_file, file) if not @current_ftp.list(origin_file).blank? log_info("FTP rename #{origin_file} to #{file}") @current_ftp.rename(origin_file, file) end end

# 删除服务器上的文件

def delete(origin_file) if not @current_ftp.list(origin_file).blank? log_info("FTP delete #{origin_file}") @current_ftp.delete(origin_file) end end

# ftp 是否关闭

def closed? @current_ftp.closed? end class << self

# 文件编码转换

def convert(src_file, dest_file, from_encode, to_encode ) log_info("Convert #{src_file} to #{dest_file}") cd =, from_encode), "w") do |out| do |in_stream| in_stream.each_line do |line| begin new_line = cd.iconv(line) out.write(new_line) rescue => e log_info "convert line error : #{line}" next end end end end cd.close dest_file end end protected


def create_ftp require "net/ftp" ftp = ftp.connect(ftp_host, ftp_port) ftp.login(ftp_user, ftp_pwd) ftp.passive = ftp_mode ftp end


def local_file(file) local = File.join("tmp/", file) FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname(local)) local end

# 删除本地文件

def delete_local_file(file) if File.exist?(file) log_info("delete local file : " + file) File.delete(file) end end

# 重命名本地文件

def rename_local_file(origin_file, file) if File.exist?(origin_file) log_info("rename local file : " + origin_file + " to " + file) File.rename(origin_file, file) end end


def ftp_host; "x.x.x.x" end def ftp_port; "21" end def ftp_user; "x" end def ftp_pwd ; "x" end def ftp_mode; true endend

