



import csvdef writecsv(path,data): with open(path, "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for rowData in data: print("rowData=", rowData) writer.writerow(rowData)path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\000001.csv"writecsv(path, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])


import csvdef readcev(path): infolist = [] with open(path, "r") as f: allFile = csv.reader(f) for row in allFile: infolist.append(row) return infolistpath = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\PCB3.csv"info = readcev(path)



import win32comimport win32com.clientdef readWordFile(path): # 调用系统word功能,可以处理doc和docx两种文件 mw = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") # 打开文件 doc = mw.Documents.Open(path) for paragraph in doc.Paragraphs: line = paragraph.Range.Text print(line) doc.Close() mw.Quit()path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\Keyboardtext\\001.docx"readWordFile(path)


import win32comimport win32com.clientdef readWordFiletootherFile(path, topath): mw = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") doc = mw.Documents.Open(path) # 将word的数据保存在另一个文件 doc.SaveAs(topath, 2) doc.Close() mw.Quit()path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\Keyboardtext\\001.docx"topath = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\Keyboardtext\\a.txt"readWordFiletootherFile(path, topath)


import win32comimport win32com.clientimport osdef makeWordFile(path, name): word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") # 让文档可见 word.Visible = True # 创建文档 doc = word.Documents.Add() # 写内容从头开始写 r = doc.Range(0, 0) r.InsertAfter("你好," + name + "\n") r.InsertAfter("python\n") # 存储文件 doc.SaveAs(path) doc.Close() word.Quit()names = ["张三", "李四", "王五"]for name in names: path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name) makeWordFile(path, name)



# 有序字典from collections import OrderedDict# 存储数据from pyexcel_xls import save_datadef makeExcelFile(path, data): dic = OrderedDict() for sheetNum, sheetValue in data.items(): d = {} d[sheetNum] = sheetValue dic.update(d) save_data(path, dic)path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\b.xlsx"makeExcelFile(path, {"表1": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], "表2": [[11, 22, 33], [44, 55, 66], [77, 88, 99]]})


from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbookdef readXlsxFile(path): file = load_workbook(filename=path) print(file.get_sheet_names) sheets = file.get_sheet_names() sheet = file.get_sheet_by_name(sheets[0]) for lineNum in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1): lineList = [] print(sheet.max_row, sheet.max_column) for columnNum in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1): # 拿数据 value = sheet.cell(row=lineNum, column=columnNum).value if value != None: lineList.append(value) print(lineList)path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\001.xlsx"readXlsxFile(path)


from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbookdef readXlsxFile(path): dic = {} file = load_workbook(filename=path) sheets = file.get_sheet_names() print(len(sheets)) for sheetName in sheets: sheet = file.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName) # 一张表的所有数据 sheetInfo = [] for lineNum in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1): lineList = [] for columnNum in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1): value = sheet.cell(row=lineNum, column=columnNum).value lineList.append(value) sheetInfo.append(lineList) # 将一张表的数据存到字典 dic[sheetName] = sheetInfo return dicpath = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\001.xlsx"dic = readXlsxFile(path)print(dic) # 有序字典from collections import OrderedDict# 读取数据from pyexcel_xls import get_datadef readXlsAndXlsxFile(path): dic = OrderedDict() # 抓取数据 xdata = get_data(path) for sheet in xdata: dic[sheet] = xdata[sheet] return dicpath = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\001.xlsx"dic = readXlsAndXlsxFile(path)print(dic)print(len(dic))



import win32comimport win32com.clientdef makeppt(path): ppt = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application") ppt.Visible = True pptFile = ppt.Presentations.Add() # 创建页 page1 = pptFile.Slides.Add(1, 1) t1 = page1.Shapes[0].TextFrame.TextRange t1.Text = "sunck" t2 = page1.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange t2.Text = "sunck is a good man" # 保存 pptFile.SaveAs(path) pptFile.Close() ppt.Quit()path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\sunk.ppt"makeppt(path)


import win32comimport win32com.clientdef makeppt(path): ppt = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application") ppt.Visible = True pptFile = ppt.Presentations.Add() # 创建页 page1 = pptFile.Slides.Add(1, 1) t1 = page1.Shapes[0].TextFrame.TextRange t1.Text = "sunck" t2 = page1.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange t2.Text = "sunck is a good man" # 保存 pptFile.SaveAs(path) pptFile.Close() ppt.Quit()path = r"E:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\sunk.ppt"makeppt(path)


