



环境: centos 7

chrome 安装

puppeteer使用chrome。 参考chrome的命令行使用方式。 在官网中没看到说明,不过一般的执行文件都是支持help的。
在服务器上安装chrome :

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo




yum -y install google-chrome-stable

说明: yum search chrome 可以查看供安装的包

chrome 命令行代理


google-chrome -h

即可看到所有的命令选项,其中 OPTION 下面有代理添加的介绍以及示例:

--proxy-server=host:port Specify the HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy server to use for requests. This overrides any environment variables or settings picked via the options dialog. An individual proxy server is specified using the format: [<proxy-scheme>://]<proxy-host>[:<proxy-port>] Where <proxy-scheme> is the protocol of the proxy server, and is one of: "http", "socks", "socks4", "socks5". If the <proxy-scheme> is omitted, it defaults to "http". Also note that "socks" is equivalent to "socks5". Examples: --proxy-server="foopy:99" Use the HTTP proxy "foopy:99" to load all URLs. --proxy-server="socks://foobar:1080" Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs. --proxy-server="socks4://foobar:1080" Use the SOCKS v4 proxy "foobar:1080" to load all URLs. --proxy-server="socks5://foobar:66" Use the SOCKS v5 proxy "foobar:66" to load all URLs. It is also possible to specify a separate proxy server for dif‐ ferent URL types, by prefixing the proxy server specifier with a URL specifier: Example: --proxy-server="https=proxy1:80;http=socks4://baz:1080" Load https://* URLs using the HTTP proxy "proxy1:80". And load http://* URLs using the SOCKS v4 proxy "baz:1080". --no-proxy-server Disables the proxy server. Overrides any environment variables or settings picked via the options dialog. --proxy-auto-detect Autodetect proxy configuration. Overrides any environment vari‐ ables or settings picked via the options dialog. --proxy-pac-url=URL Specify proxy autoconfiguration URL. Overrides any environment variables or settings picked via the options dialog.

其中 –proxy-server= 的值的格式是 [<proxy-scheme>://]<proxy-host>[:<proxy-port>]

其中 http 代理是不需要加 proxy-scheme ,以上的示例中显示 socks 代理是需要添加scheme。


在本机建立一个 socks5 代理服务器, 本地端口是 1088

复制代码 代码如下:google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --proxy-server="socks5://" --print-to-pdf https:///GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/336

puppeteer 官方文档 https://pptr.dev/#?product=Puppeteer&version=v1.5.0&show=api-class-page


