










<input id="orderNo" class="typeahead" placeholder="Countries" type="text" class="form-control" name="ordersn">


var states = new Bloodhound({datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,// `states` is an array of state names defined in "The Basics"local: states});var findOrderByIdVague = new Bloodhound({datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'),queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,prefetch: '${ctx}/admin/order/preOrderByIdVague.json',remote: {url: '${ctx}/admin/order/findOrderByIdVague/%QUERY.json',wildcard: '%QUERY'},afterSelect: function (item) {//选择项之后的事件 ,item是当前选中的。alert(iterm);}});$(function(){/**$('#addCombo .typeahead').typeahead({hint: true,highlight: true,minLength: 1},{name: 'states',source: states});**/$('#addCombo .typeahead').typeahead(null, {name: 'best-pictures',display: 'value',source: findOrderByIdVague});$('#addCombo .typeahead').bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, suggestion) {console.log('Selection: ' + suggestion.value);});});   …findOrderByIdVague/D20150502.json:[ {"value" : "D20150502173435141299"}, {"value" : "D20150502172928109304"} ]



docs 相关的事件: 

Custom EventsThe following events get triggered on the input element during the life-cycle of a typeahead.typeahead:active – Fired when the typeahead moves to active state.typeahead:idle – Fired when the typeahead moves to idle state.typeahead:open – Fired when the results container is opened.typeahead:close – Fired when the results container is closed.typeahead:change – Normalized version of the native change event. Fired when input loses focus and the value has changed since it originally received focus.typeahead:render – Fired when suggestions are rendered for a dataset. The event handler will be invoked with 4 arguments: the jQuery event object, the suggestions that were rendered, a flag indicating whether the suggestions were fetched asynchronously, and the name of the dataset the rendering occurred in.typeahead:select – Fired when a suggestion is selected. The event handler will be invoked with 2 arguments: the jQuery event object and the suggestion object that was selected.typeahead:autocomplete – Fired when a autocompletion occurs. The event handler will be invoked with 2 arguments: the jQuery event object and the suggestion object that was used for autocompletion.typeahead:cursorchange – Fired when the results container cursor moves. The event handler will be invoked with 2 arguments: the jQuery event object and the suggestion object that was moved to.typeahead:asyncrequest – Fired when an async request for suggestions is sent. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the current query, and the name of the dataset the async request belongs to.typeahead:asynccancel – Fired when an async request is cancelled. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the current query, and the name of the dataset the async request belonged to.typeahead:asyncreceive – Fired when an async request completes. The event handler will be invoked with 3 arguments: the jQuery event object, the current query, and the name of the dataset the async request belongs to.Example usage:$('.typeahead').bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, suggestion) {console.log('Selection: ' + suggestion);});


/*!* typeahead.js 0.11.1** Copyright 2013-2015 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors; Licensed MIT*/(function(root, factory) {if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {define("bloodhound", [ "jquery" ], function(a0) {return root["Bloodhound"] = factory(a0);});} else if (typeof exports === "object") {module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));} else {root["Bloodhound"] = factory(jQuery);}})(this, function($) {var _ = function() {"use strict";return {isMsie: function() {return /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie |rv:)(\d+(.\d+)?)/i)[2] : false;},isBlankString: function(str) {return !str || /^\s*$/.test(str);},escapeRegExChars: function(str) {return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");},isString: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "string";},isNumber: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "number";},isArray: $.isArray,isFunction: $.isFunction,isObject: $.isPlainObject,isUndefined: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "undefined";},isElement: function(obj) {return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);},isJQuery: function(obj) {return obj instanceof $;},toStr: function toStr(s) {return _.isUndefined(s) || s === null ? "" : s + "";},bind: $.proxy,each: function(collection, cb) {$.each(collection, reverseArgs);function reverseArgs(index, value) {return cb(value, index);}},map: $.map,filter: $.grep,every: function(obj, test) {var result = true;if (!obj) {return result;}$.each(obj, function(key, val) {if (!(result =, val, key, obj))) {return false;}});return !!result;},some: function(obj, test) {var result = false;if (!obj) {return result;}$.each(obj, function(key, val) {if (result =, val, key, obj)) {return false;}});return !!result;},mixin: $.extend,identity: function(x) {return x;},clone: function(obj) {return $.extend(true, {}, obj);},getIdGenerator: function() {var counter = 0;return function() {return counter++;};},templatify: function templatify(obj) {return $.isFunction(obj) ? obj : template;function template() {return String(obj);}},defer: function(fn) {setTimeout(fn, 0);},debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) {var timeout, result;return function() {var context = this, args = arguments, later, callNow;later = function() {timeout = null;if (!immediate) {result = func.apply(context, args);}};callNow = immediate && !timeout;clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);if (callNow) {result = func.apply(context, args);}return result;};},throttle: function(func, wait) {var context, args, timeout, result, previous, later;previous = 0;later = function() {previous = new Date();timeout = null;result = func.apply(context, args);};return function() {var now = new Date(), remaining = wait - (now - previous);context = this;args = arguments;if (remaining <= 0) {clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = null;previous = now;result = func.apply(context, args);} else if (!timeout) {timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);}return result;};},stringify: function(val) {return _.isString(val) ? val : JSON.stringify(val);},noop: function() {}};}();var VERSION = "0.11.1";var tokenizers = function() {"use strict";return {nonword: nonword,whitespace: whitespace,obj: {nonword: getObjTokenizer(nonword),whitespace: getObjTokenizer(whitespace)}};function whitespace(str) {str = _.toStr(str);return str ? str.split(/\s+/) : [];}function nonword(str) {str = _.toStr(str);return str ? str.split(/\W+/) : [];}function getObjTokenizer(tokenizer) {return function setKey(keys) {keys = _.isArray(keys) ? keys : [], 0);return function tokenize(o) {var tokens = [];_.each(keys, function(k) {tokens = tokens.concat(tokenizer(_.toStr(o[k])));});return tokens;};};}}();var LruCache = function() {"use strict";function LruCache(maxSize) {this.maxSize = _.isNumber(maxSize) ? maxSize : 100;this.reset();if (this.maxSize <= 0) {this.set = this.get = $.noop;}}_.mixin(LruCache.prototype, {set: function set(key, val) {var tailItem = this.list.tail, node;if (this.size >= this.maxSize) {this.list.remove(tailItem);delete this.hash[tailItem.key];this.size--;}if (node = this.hash[key]) {node.val = val;this.list.moveToFront(node);} else {node = new Node(key, val);this.list.add(node);this.hash[key] = node;this.size++;}},get: function get(key) {var node = this.hash[key];if (node) {this.list.moveToFront(node);return node.val;}},reset: function reset() {this.size = 0;this.hash = {};this.list = new List();}});function List() {this.head = this.tail = null;}_.mixin(List.prototype, {add: function add(node) {if (this.head) { = this.head;this.head.prev = node;}this.head = node;this.tail = this.tail || node;},remove: function remove(node) {node.prev ? = : this.head =; ? = node.prev : this.tail = node.prev;},moveToFront: function(node) {this.remove(node);this.add(node);}});function Node(key, val) {this.key = key;this.val = val;this.prev = = null;}return LruCache;}();var PersistentStorage = function() {"use strict";var LOCAL_STORAGE;try {LOCAL_STORAGE = window.localStorage;LOCAL_STORAGE.setItem("~~~", "!");LOCAL_STORAGE.removeItem("~~~");} catch (err) {LOCAL_STORAGE = null;}function PersistentStorage(namespace, override) {this.prefix = [ "__", namespace, "__" ].join("");this.ttlKey = "__ttl__";this.keyMatcher = new RegExp("^" + _.escapeRegExChars(this.prefix)); = override || LOCAL_STORAGE;! && this._noop();}_.mixin(PersistentStorage.prototype, {_prefix: function(key) {return this.prefix + key;},_ttlKey: function(key) {return this._prefix(key) + this.ttlKey;},_noop: function() {this.get = this.set = this.remove = this.clear = this.isExpired = _.noop;},_safeSet: function(key, val) {try {, val);} catch (err) {if ( === "QuotaExceededError") {this.clear();this._noop();}}},get: function(key) {if (this.isExpired(key)) {this.remove(key);}return decode(;},set: function(key, val, ttl) {if (_.isNumber(ttl)) {this._safeSet(this._ttlKey(key), encode(now() + ttl));} else {;}return this._safeSet(this._prefix(key), encode(val));},remove: function(key) {;;return this;},clear: function() {var i, keys = gatherMatchingKeys(this.keyMatcher);for (i = keys.length; i--; ) {this.remove(keys[i]);}return this;},isExpired: function(key) {var ttl = decode(;return _.isNumber(ttl) && now() > ttl ? true : false;}});return PersistentStorage;function now() {return new Date().getTime();}function encode(val) {return JSON.stringify(_.isUndefined(val) ? null : val);}function decode(val) {return $.parseJSON(val);}function gatherMatchingKeys(keyMatcher) {var i, key, keys = [], len = LOCAL_STORAGE.length;for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {if ((key = LOCAL_STORAGE.key(i)).match(keyMatcher)) {keys.push(key.replace(keyMatcher, ""));}}return keys;}}();var Transport = function() {"use strict";var pendingRequestsCount = 0, pendingRequests = {}, maxPendingRequests = 6, sharedCache = new LruCache(10);function Transport(o) {o = o || {};this.cancelled = false;this.lastReq = null;this._send = o.transport;this._get = o.limiter ? o.limiter(this._get) : this._get;this._cache = o.cache === false ? new LruCache(0) : sharedCache;}Transport.setMaxPendingRequests = function setMaxPendingRequests(num) {maxPendingRequests = num;};Transport.resetCache = function resetCache() {sharedCache.reset();};_.mixin(Transport.prototype, {_fingerprint: function fingerprint(o) {o = o || {};return o.url + o.type + $.param( || {});},_get: function(o, cb) {var that = this, fingerprint, jqXhr;fingerprint = this._fingerprint(o);if (this.cancelled || fingerprint !== this.lastReq) {return;}if (jqXhr = pendingRequests[fingerprint]) {jqXhr.done(done).fail(fail);} else if (pendingRequestsCount < maxPendingRequests) {pendingRequestsCount++;pendingRequests[fingerprint] = this._send(o).done(done).fail(fail).always(always);} else {this.onDeckRequestArgs = [], 0);}function done(resp) {cb(null, resp);that._cache.set(fingerprint, resp);}function fail() {cb(true);}function always() {pendingRequestsCount--;delete pendingRequests[fingerprint];if (that.onDeckRequestArgs) {that._get.apply(that, that.onDeckRequestArgs);that.onDeckRequestArgs = null;}}},get: function(o, cb) {var resp, fingerprint;cb = cb || $.noop;o = _.isString(o) ? {url: o} : o || {};fingerprint = this._fingerprint(o);this.cancelled = false;this.lastReq = fingerprint;if (resp = this._cache.get(fingerprint)) {cb(null, resp);} else {this._get(o, cb);}},cancel: function() {this.cancelled = true;}});return Transport;}();var SearchIndex = window.SearchIndex = function() {"use strict";var CHILDREN = "c", IDS = "i";function SearchIndex(o) {o = o || {};if (!o.datumTokenizer || !o.queryTokenizer) {$.error("datumTokenizer and queryTokenizer are both required");}this.identify = o.identify || _.stringify;this.datumTokenizer = o.datumTokenizer;this.queryTokenizer = o.queryTokenizer;this.reset();}_.mixin(SearchIndex.prototype, {bootstrap: function bootstrap(o) {this.datums = o.datums;this.trie = o.trie;},add: function(data) {var that = this;data = _.isArray(data) ? data : [ data ];_.each(data, function(datum) {var id, tokens;that.datums[id = that.identify(datum)] = datum;tokens = normalizeTokens(that.datumTokenizer(datum));_.each(tokens, function(token) {var node, chars, ch;node = that.trie;chars = token.split("");while (ch = chars.shift()) {node = node[CHILDREN][ch] || (node[CHILDREN][ch] = newNode());node[IDS].push(id);}});});},get: function get(ids) {var that = this;return, function(id) {return that.datums[id];});},search: function search(query) {var that = this, tokens, matches;tokens = normalizeTokens(this.queryTokenizer(query));_.each(tokens, function(token) {var node, chars, ch, ids;if (matches && matches.length === 0) {return false;}node = that.trie;chars = token.split("");while (node && (ch = chars.shift())) {node = node[CHILDREN][ch];}if (node && chars.length === 0) {ids = node[IDS].slice(0);matches = matches ? getIntersection(matches, ids) : ids;} else {matches = [];return false;}});return matches ?, function(id) {return that.datums[id];}) : [];},all: function all() {var values = [];for (var key in this.datums) {values.push(this.datums[key]);}return values;},reset: function reset() {this.datums = {};this.trie = newNode();},serialize: function serialize() {return {datums: this.datums,trie: this.trie};}});return SearchIndex;function normalizeTokens(tokens) {tokens = _.filter(tokens, function(token) {return !!token;});tokens =, function(token) {return token.toLowerCase();});return tokens;}function newNode() {var node = {};node[IDS] = [];node[CHILDREN] = {};return node;}function unique(array) {var seen = {}, uniques = [];for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {if (!seen[array[i]]) {seen[array[i]] = true;uniques.push(array[i]);}}return uniques;}function getIntersection(arrayA, arrayB) {var ai = 0, bi = 0, intersection = [];arrayA = arrayA.sort();arrayB = arrayB.sort();var lenArrayA = arrayA.length, lenArrayB = arrayB.length;while (ai < lenArrayA && bi < lenArrayB) {if (arrayA[ai] < arrayB[bi]) {ai++;} else if (arrayA[ai] > arrayB[bi]) {bi++;} else {intersection.push(arrayA[ai]);ai++;bi++;}}return intersection;}}();var Prefetch = function() {"use strict";var keys;keys = {data: "data",protocol: "protocol",thumbprint: "thumbprint"};function Prefetch(o) {this.url = o.url;this.ttl = o.ttl;this.cache = o.cache;this.prepare = o.prepare;this.transform = o.transform;this.transport = o.transport;this.thumbprint = o.thumbprint; = new PersistentStorage(o.cacheKey);}_.mixin(Prefetch.prototype, {_settings: function settings() {return {url: this.url,type: "GET",dataType: "json"};},store: function store(data) {if (!this.cache) {return;}, data, this.ttl);, location.protocol, this.ttl);, this.thumbprint, this.ttl);},fromCache: function fromCache() {var stored = {}, isExpired;if (!this.cache) {return null;} =;stored.protocol =;stored.thumbprint =;isExpired = stored.thumbprint !== this.thumbprint || stored.protocol !== location.protocol;return && !isExpired ? : null;},fromNetwork: function(cb) {var that = this, settings;if (!cb) {return;}settings = this.prepare(this._settings());this.transport(settings).fail(onError).done(onResponse);function onError() {cb(true);}function onResponse(resp) {cb(null, that.transform(resp));}},clear: function clear() {;return this;}});return Prefetch;}();var Remote = function() {"use strict";function Remote(o) {this.url = o.url;this.prepare = o.prepare;this.transform = o.transform;this.transport = new Transport({cache: o.cache,limiter: o.limiter,transport: o.transport});}_.mixin(Remote.prototype, {_settings: function settings() {return {url: this.url,type: "GET",dataType: "json"};},get: function get(query, cb) {var that = this, settings;if (!cb) {return;}query = query || "";settings = this.prepare(query, this._settings());return this.transport.get(settings, onResponse);function onResponse(err, resp) {err ? cb([]) : cb(that.transform(resp));}},cancelLastRequest: function cancelLastRequest() {this.transport.cancel();}});return Remote;}();var oParser = function() {"use strict";return function parse(o) {var defaults, sorter;defaults = {initialize: true,identify: _.stringify,datumTokenizer: null,queryTokenizer: null,sufficient: 5,sorter: null,local: [],prefetch: null,remote: null};o = _.mixin(defaults, o || {});!o.datumTokenizer && $.error("datumTokenizer is required");!o.queryTokenizer && $.error("queryTokenizer is required");sorter = o.sorter;o.sorter = sorter ? function(x) {return x.sort(sorter);} : _.identity;o.local = _.isFunction(o.local) ? o.local() : o.local;o.prefetch = parsePrefetch(o.prefetch);o.remote = parseRemote(o.remote);return o;};function parsePrefetch(o) {var defaults;if (!o) {return null;}defaults = {url: null,ttl: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3,cache: true,cacheKey: null,thumbprint: "",prepare: _.identity,transform: _.identity,transport: null};o = _.isString(o) ? {url: o} : o;o = _.mixin(defaults, o);!o.url && $.error("prefetch requires url to be set");o.transform = o.filter || o.transform;o.cacheKey = o.cacheKey || o.url;o.thumbprint = VERSION + o.thumbprint;o.transport = o.transport ? callbackToDeferred(o.transport) : $.ajax;return o;}function parseRemote(o) {var defaults;if (!o) {return;}defaults = {url: null,cache: true,prepare: null,replace: null,wildcard: null,limiter: null,rateLimitBy: "debounce",rateLimitWait: 300,transform: _.identity,transport: null};o = _.isString(o) ? {url: o} : o;o = _.mixin(defaults, o);!o.url && $.error("remote requires url to be set");o.transform = o.filter || o.transform;o.prepare = toRemotePrepare(o);o.limiter = toLimiter(o);o.transport = o.transport ? callbackToDeferred(o.transport) : $.ajax;delete o.replace;delete o.wildcard;delete o.rateLimitBy;delete o.rateLimitWait;return o;}function toRemotePrepare(o) {var prepare, replace, wildcard;prepare = o.prepare;replace = o.replace;wildcard = o.wildcard;if (prepare) {return prepare;}if (replace) {prepare = prepareByReplace;} else if (o.wildcard) {prepare = prepareByWildcard;} else {prepare = idenityPrepare;}return prepare;function prepareByReplace(query, settings) {settings.url = replace(settings.url, query);return settings;}function prepareByWildcard(query, settings) {settings.url = settings.url.replace(wildcard, encodeURIComponent(query));return settings;}function idenityPrepare(query, settings) {return settings;}}function toLimiter(o) {var limiter, method, wait;limiter = o.limiter;method = o.rateLimitBy;wait = o.rateLimitWait;if (!limiter) {limiter = /^throttle$/i.test(method) ? throttle(wait) : debounce(wait);}return limiter;function debounce(wait) {return function debounce(fn) {return _.debounce(fn, wait);};}function throttle(wait) {return function throttle(fn) {return _.throttle(fn, wait);};}}function callbackToDeferred(fn) {return function wrapper(o) {var deferred = $.Deferred();fn(o, onSuccess, onError);return deferred;function onSuccess(resp) {_.defer(function() {deferred.resolve(resp);});}function onError(err) {_.defer(function() {deferred.reject(err);});}};}}();var Bloodhound = function() {"use strict";var old;old = window && window.Bloodhound;function Bloodhound(o) {o = oParser(o);this.sorter = o.sorter;this.identify = o.identify;this.sufficient = o.sufficient;this.local = o.local;this.remote = o.remote ? new Remote(o.remote) : null;this.prefetch = o.prefetch ? new Prefetch(o.prefetch) : null;this.index = new SearchIndex({identify: this.identify,datumTokenizer: o.datumTokenizer,queryTokenizer: o.queryTokenizer});o.initialize !== false && this.initialize();}Bloodhound.noConflict = function noConflict() {window && (window.Bloodhound = old);return Bloodhound;};Bloodhound.tokenizers = tokenizers;_.mixin(Bloodhound.prototype, {__ttAdapter: function ttAdapter() {var that = this;return this.remote ? withAsync : withoutAsync;function withAsync(query, sync, async) {return, sync, async);}function withoutAsync(query, sync) {return, sync);}},_loadPrefetch: function loadPrefetch() {var that = this, deferred, serialized;deferred = $.Deferred();if (!this.prefetch) {deferred.resolve();} else if (serialized = this.prefetch.fromCache()) {this.index.bootstrap(serialized);deferred.resolve();} else {this.prefetch.fromNetwork(done);}return deferred.promise();function done(err, data) {if (err) {return deferred.reject();}that.add(data);;deferred.resolve();}},_initialize: function initialize() {var that = this, deferred;this.clear();(this.initPromise = this._loadPrefetch()).done(addLocalToIndex);return this.initPromise;function addLocalToIndex() {that.add(that.local);}},initialize: function initialize(force) {return !this.initPromise || force ? this._initialize() : this.initPromise;},add: function add(data) {this.index.add(data);return this;},get: function get(ids) {ids = _.isArray(ids) ? ids : [];return this.index.get(ids);},search: function search(query, sync, async) {var that = this, local;local = this.sorter(;sync(this.remote ? local.slice() : local);if (this.remote && local.length < this.sufficient) {this.remote.get(query, processRemote);} else if (this.remote) {this.remote.cancelLastRequest();}return this;function processRemote(remote) {var nonDuplicates = [];_.each(remote, function(r) {!_.some(local, function(l) {return that.identify(r) === that.identify(l);}) && nonDuplicates.push(r);});async && async(nonDuplicates);}},all: function all() {return this.index.all();},clear: function clear() {this.index.reset();return this;},clearPrefetchCache: function clearPrefetchCache() {this.prefetch && this.prefetch.clear();return this;},clearRemoteCache: function clearRemoteCache() {Transport.resetCache();return this;},ttAdapter: function ttAdapter() {return this.__ttAdapter();}});return Bloodhound;}();return Bloodhound;});(function(root, factory) {if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {define("typeahead.js", [ "jquery" ], function(a0) {return factory(a0);});} else if (typeof exports === "object") {module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));} else {factory(jQuery);}})(this, function($) {var _ = function() {"use strict";return {isMsie: function() {return /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie |rv:)(\d+(.\d+)?)/i)[2] : false;},isBlankString: function(str) {return !str || /^\s*$/.test(str);},escapeRegExChars: function(str) {return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");},isString: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "string";},isNumber: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "number";},isArray: $.isArray,isFunction: $.isFunction,isObject: $.isPlainObject,isUndefined: function(obj) {return typeof obj === "undefined";},isElement: function(obj) {return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);},isJQuery: function(obj) {return obj instanceof $;},toStr: function toStr(s) {return _.isUndefined(s) || s === null ? "" : s + "";},bind: $.proxy,each: function(collection, cb) {$.each(collection, reverseArgs);function reverseArgs(index, value) {return cb(value, index);}},map: $.map,filter: $.grep,every: function(obj, test) {var result = true;if (!obj) {return result;}$.each(obj, function(key, val) {if (!(result =, val, key, obj))) {return false;}});return !!result;},some: function(obj, test) {var result = false;if (!obj) {return result;}$.each(obj, function(key, val) {if (result =, val, key, obj)) {return false;}});return !!result;},mixin: $.extend,identity: function(x) {return x;},clone: function(obj) {return $.extend(true, {}, obj);},getIdGenerator: function() {var counter = 0;return function() {return counter++;};},templatify: function templatify(obj) {return $.isFunction(obj) ? obj : template;function template() {return String(obj);}},defer: function(fn) {setTimeout(fn, 0);},debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) {var timeout, result;return function() {var context = this, args = arguments, later, callNow;later = function() {timeout = null;if (!immediate) {result = func.apply(context, args);}};callNow = immediate && !timeout;clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);if (callNow) {result = func.apply(context, args);}return result;};},throttle: function(func, wait) {var context, args, timeout, result, previous, later;previous = 0;later = function() {previous = new Date();timeout = null;result = func.apply(context, args);};return function() {var now = new Date(), remaining = wait - (now - previous);context = this;args = arguments;if (remaining <= 0) {clearTimeout(timeout);timeout = null;previous = now;result = func.apply(context, args);} else if (!timeout) {timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);}return result;};},stringify: function(val) {return _.isString(val) ? val : JSON.stringify(val);},noop: function() {}};}();var plete: "off",spellcheck: false});try {!$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto");} catch (e) {}return $input;}function getBackgroundStyles($el) {return {backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"),backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"),backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"),backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"),backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"),backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"),backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"),backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size")};}function revert($input) {var www, $wrapper;www = $;$wrapper = $input.parent().filter(www.selectors.wrapper);_.each($, function(val, key) {_.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val);});$input.removeData(keys.typeahead).removeData(keys.www).removeData(keys.attr).removeClass(www.classes.input);if ($wrapper.length) {$input.detach().insertAfter($wrapper);$wrapper.remove();}}function $elOrNull(obj) {var isValid, $el;isValid = _.isJQuery(obj) || _.isElement(obj);$el = isValid ? $(obj).first() : [];return $el.length ? $el : null;}})();});


.typeahead,.tt-query,.tt-hint {width: 396px;height: 30px;padding: 8px 12px;font-size: 24px;line-height: 30px;border: 2px solid #ccc;-webkit-border-radius: 8px;-moz-border-radius: 8px;border-radius: 8px;outline: none;}.typeahead {background-color: #fff;}.typeahead:focus {border: 2px solid #0097cf;}.tt-query {-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);}.tt-hint {color: #999}.tt-menu {width: 422px;margin: 12px 0;padding: 8px 0;background-color: #fff;border: 1px solid #ccc;border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);-webkit-border-radius: 8px;-moz-border-radius: 8px;border-radius: 8px;-webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2);-moz-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2);box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2);}.tt-suggestion {padding: 3px 20px;font-size: 18px;line-height: 24px;}.tt-suggestion:hover {cursor: pointer;color: #fff;background-color: #0097cf;} {color: #fff;background-color: #0097cf;}.tt-suggestion p {margin: 0;}.gist {font-size: 14px;}#custom-templates .empty-message {padding: 5px 10px;text-align: center;}#multiple-datasets .league-name {margin: 0 20px 5px 20px;padding: 3px 0;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;}#scrollable-dropdown-menu .tt-menu {max-height: 150px;overflow-y: auto;}#rtl-support .tt-menu {text-align: right;}


