Spring Cloud学习教程之Zuul统一异常处理与回退



zuul 是netflix 提供的一个开源组件,致力于在云平台上提供动态路由,监控,弹性,安全等边缘服务的框架。也有很多公司使用它来作为网关的重要组成部分,碰巧今年公司的架构组决定自研一个网关产品,集动态路由,动态权限,限流配额等功能为一体,为其他部门的项目提供统一的外网调用管理,最终形成产品(这方面阿里其实已经有成熟的网关产品了,但是不太适用于个性化的配置,也没有集成权限和限流降级)。

本文主要给大家介绍了关于spring cloud zuul统一异常处理与回退的相关内容,分享出来供大家参考学习,下面话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧。


  其实在springcloud的edgware sr2版本中对于zuulfilter中的错误有统一的处理,但是在实际开发当中对于错误的响应方式,我想每个团队都有自己的处理规范。那么如何做到自定义的异常处理呢?


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    request.setattribute("javax.servlet.error.status_code", exception.nstatuscode);

    request.setattribute("javax.servlet.error.exception", exception);

    request.setattribute("javax.servlet.error.message", exception.errorcause);

  2)错误处理完毕后,会转发到 xxx/error的地址来处理


? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 package com.hzgj.lyrk.springcloud.gateway.server.filter; import com.netflix.zuul.zuulfilter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.component; @component @slf4j public class myzuulfilter extends zuulfilter { @override public string filtertype() { return "post"; } @override public int filterorder() { return 9; } @override public boolean shouldfilter() { return true; } @override public object run() { log.info("run error test ..."); throw new runtimeexception(); // return null; } }


? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 package com.hzgj.lyrk.springcloud.gateway.server.filter; import org.springframework.http.httpstatus; import org.springframework.http.responseentity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.getmapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.restcontroller; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest; @restcontroller public class errorhandler { @getmapping(value = "/error") public responseentity<errorbean> error(httpservletrequest request) { string message = request.getattribute("javax.servlet.error.message").tostring(); errorbean errorbean = new errorbean(); errorbean.setmessage(message); errorbean.setreason("程序出错"); return new responseentity<>(errorbean, httpstatus.bad_gateway); } private static class errorbean { private string message; private string reason; public string getmessage() { return message; } public void setmessage(string message) { this.message = message; } public string getreason() { return reason; } public void setreason(string reason) { this.reason = reason; } } }




  这个问题网上有很多解决方案,但是我还要贴一下源代码,请关注这个类 abstractribboncommand,在这个类里集成了hystrix与ribbon。

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import org.apache.commons.logging.log; import org.apache.commons.logging.logfactory; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.ribbonclientconfiguration; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.ribbonhttpresponse; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.support.abstractloadbalancingclient; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.support.contextawarerequest; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.zuulproperties; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.route.ribboncommand; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.route.ribboncommandcontext; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.route.zuulfallbackprovider; import org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.route.fallbackprovider; import org.springframework.http.client.clienthttpresponse; import com.netflix.client.abstractloadbalancerawareclient; import com.netflix.client.clientrequest; import com.netflix.client.config.defaultclientconfigimpl; import com.netflix.client.config.iclientconfig; import com.netflix.client.config.iclientconfigkey; import com.netflix.client.http.httpresponse; import com.netflix.config.dynamicintproperty; import com.netflix.config.dynamicpropertyfactory; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixcommand; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixcommandgroupkey; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixcommandkey; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixcommandproperties; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixcommandproperties.executionisolationstrategy; import com.netflix.hystrix.hystrixthreadpoolkey; import com.netflix.zuul.constants.zuulconstants; import com.netflix.zuul.context.requestcontext; /** * @author spencer gibb */ public abstract class abstractribboncommand<lbc extends abstractloadbalancerawareclient<rq, rs>, rq extends clientrequest, rs extends httpresponse> extends hystrixcommand<clienthttpresponse> implements ribboncommand { private static final log logger = logfactory.getlog(abstractribboncommand.class); protected final lbc client; protected ribboncommandcontext context; protected zuulfallbackprovider zuulfallbackprovider; protected iclientconfig config; public abstractribboncommand(lbc client, ribboncommandcontext context, zuulproperties zuulproperties) { this("default", client, context, zuulproperties); } public abstractribboncommand(string commandkey, lbc client, ribboncommandcontext context, zuulproperties zuulproperties) { this(commandkey, client, context, zuulproperties, null); } public abstractribboncommand(string commandkey, lbc client, ribboncommandcontext context, zuulproperties zuulproperties, zuulfallbackprovider fallbackprovider) { this(commandkey, client, context, zuulproperties, fallbackprovider, null); } public abstractribboncommand(string commandkey, lbc client, ribboncommandcontext context, zuulproperties zuulproperties, zuulfallbackprovider fallbackprovider, iclientconfig config) { this(getsetter(commandkey, zuulproperties, config), client, context, fallbackprovider, config); } protected abstractribboncommand(setter setter, lbc client, ribboncommandcontext context, zuulfallbackprovider fallbackprovider, iclientconfig config) { super(setter); this.client = client; this.context = context; this.zuulfallbackprovider = fallbackprovider; this.config = config; } protected static hystrixcommandproperties.setter createsetter(iclientconfig config, string commandkey, zuulproperties zuulproperties) { int hystrixtimeout = gethystrixtimeout(config, commandkey); return hystrixcommandproperties.setter().withexecutionisolationstrategy( zuulproperties.getribbonisolationstrategy()).withexecutiontimeoutinmilliseconds(hystrixtimeout); } protected static int gethystrixtimeout(iclientconfig config, string commandkey) { int ribbontimeout = getribbontimeout(config, commandkey); dynamicpropertyfactory dynamicpropertyfactory = dynamicpropertyfactory.getinstance(); int defaulthystrixtimeout = dynamicpropertyfactory.getintproperty("hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutinmilliseconds", 0).get(); int commandhystrixtimeout = dynamicpropertyfactory.getintproperty("hystrix.command." + commandkey + ".execution.isolation.thread.timeoutinmilliseconds", 0).get(); int hystrixtimeout; if(commandhystrixtimeout > 0) { hystrixtimeout = commandhystrixtimeout; } else if(defaulthystrixtimeout > 0) { hystrixtimeout = defaulthystrixtimeout; } else { hystrixtimeout = ribbontimeout; } if(hystrixtimeout < ribbontimeout) { logger.warn("the hystrix timeout of " + hystrixtimeout + "ms for the command " + commandkey + " is set lower than the combination of the ribbon read and connect timeout, " + ribbontimeout + "ms."); } return hystrixtimeout; } protected static int getribbontimeout(iclientconfig config, string commandkey) { int ribbontimeout; if (config == null) { ribbontimeout = ribbonclientconfiguration.default_read_timeout + ribbonclientconfiguration.default_connect_timeout; } else { int ribbonreadtimeout = gettimeout(config, commandkey, "readtimeout", iclientconfigkey.keys.readtimeout, ribbonclientconfiguration.default_read_timeout); int ribbonconnecttimeout = gettimeout(config, commandkey, "connecttimeout", iclientconfigkey.keys.connecttimeout, ribbonclientconfiguration.default_connect_timeout); int maxautoretries = gettimeout(config, commandkey, "maxautoretries", iclientconfigkey.keys.maxautoretries, defaultclientconfigimpl.default_max_auto_retries); int maxautoretriesnextserver = gettimeout(config, commandkey, "maxautoretriesnextserver", iclientconfigkey.keys.maxautoretriesnextserver, defaultclientconfigimpl.default_max_auto_retries_next_server); ribbontimeout = (ribbonreadtimeout + ribbonconnecttimeout) * (maxautoretries + 1) * (maxautoretriesnextserver + 1); } return ribbontimeout; } private static int gettimeout(iclientconfig config, string commandkey, string property, iclientconfigkey<integer> configkey, int defaultvalue) { dynamicpropertyfactory dynamicpropertyfactory = dynamicpropertyfactory.getinstance(); return dynamicpropertyfactory.getintproperty(commandkey + "." + config.getnamespace() + "." + property, config.get(configkey, defaultvalue)).get(); } @deprecated //todo remove in 2.0.x protected static setter getsetter(final string commandkey, zuulproperties zuulproperties) { return getsetter(commandkey, zuulproperties, null); } protected static setter getsetter(final string commandkey, zuulproperties zuulproperties, iclientconfig config) { // @formatter:off setter commandsetter = setter.withgroupkey(hystrixcommandgroupkey.factory.askey("ribboncommand")) .andcommandkey(hystrixcommandkey.factory.askey(commandkey)); final hystrixcommandproperties.setter setter = createsetter(config, commandkey, zuulproperties); if (zuulproperties.getribbonisolationstrategy() == executionisolationstrategy.semaphore){ final string name = zuulconstants.zuul_eureka + commandkey + ".semaphore.maxsemaphores"; // we want to default to semaphore-isolation since this wraps // 2 others commands that are already thread isolated final dynamicintproperty value = dynamicpropertyfactory.getinstance() .getintproperty(name, zuulproperties.getsemaphore().getmaxsemaphores()); setter.withexecutionisolationsemaphoremaxconcurrentrequests(value.get()); } else if (zuulproperties.getthreadpool().isuseseparatethreadpools()) { final string threadpoolkey = zuulproperties.getthreadpool().getthreadpoolkeyprefix() + commandkey; commandsetter.andthreadpoolkey(hystrixthreadpoolkey.factory.askey(threadpoolkey)); } return commandsetter.andcommandpropertiesdefaults(setter); // @formatter:on } @override protected clienthttpresponse run() throws exception { final requestcontext context = requestcontext.getcurrentcontext(); rq request = createrequest(); rs response; boolean retryableclient = this.client instanceof abstractloadbalancingclient && ((abstractloadbalancingclient)this.client).isclientretryable((contextawarerequest)request); if (retryableclient) { response = this.client.execute(request, config); } else { response = this.client.executewithloadbalancer(request, config); } context.set("ribbonresponse", response); // explicitly close the httpresponse if the hystrix command timed out to // release the underlying http connection held by the response. // if (this.isresponsetimedout()) { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return new ribbonhttpresponse(response); } @override protected clienthttpresponse getfallback() { if(zuulfallbackprovider != null) { return getfallbackresponse(); } return super.getfallback(); } protected clienthttpresponse getfallbackresponse() { if (zuulfallbackprovider instanceof fallbackprovider) { throwable cause = getfailedexecutionexception(); cause = cause == null ? getexecutionexception() : cause; if (cause == null) { zuulfallbackprovider.fallbackresponse(); } else { return ((fallbackprovider) zuulfallbackprovider).fallbackresponse(cause); } } return zuulfallbackprovider.fallbackresponse(); } public lbc getclient() { return client; } public ribboncommandcontext getcontext() { return context; } protected abstract rq createrequest() throws exception; }

  请注意:getribbontimeout方法与gethystrixtimeout方法,其中这两个方法 commandkey的值为路由的名称,比如说我们访问:http://localhost:8088/order-server/xxx来访问order-server服务, 那么commandkey 就为order-server


? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 #全局的ribbon设置 ribbon: connecttimeout: 3000 readtimeout: 3000 hystrix: command: default: execution: isolation: thread: timeoutinmilliseconds: 3000 zuul: host: connecttimeoutmillis: 10000

  当然也可以单独为order-server设置ribbon的超时参数:order-server.ribbon.xxxx=xxx , 为了演示zuul中的回退效果,我在这里把hystrix超时时间设置短一点。当然最好不要将hystrix默认的超时时间设置的比ribbon的超时时间短,源码里遇到此情况已经给与我们警告了。


? 1 2 3 4 5 @getmapping("/sleep/{sleeptime}") public string sleep(@pathvariable long sleeptime) throw

