

验证一个实例的类型'类型转换'在 Swift 语言编程中。它是用来检查实例类型是否属于特定超类或子类或其自己的层次结构定义。

Swift 类型转换提供两个操作符:“is” 检查值的类型和 'as' 将类型值转换为不同的类型值。 类型转换还检查实例类型是否符合特定的协议一致性标准。


复制代码 代码如下:

class Subjects {
var physics: String
init(physics: String) {
self.physics = physics

class Chemistry: Subjects {
var equations: String
init(physics: String, equations: String) {
self.equations = equations
super.init(physics: physics)

class Maths: Subjects {
var formulae: String
init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
self.formulae = formulae
super.init(physics: physics)

let sa = [
Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")]

let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")

let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

当我们使用 playground 运行上面的程序,得到以下结果。

? 1 2 3 4 Instance physics is: solid physics Instance equation is: Hertz Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz

进行类型检查,用 'is' 操作符。在 'is' 操作符检查类型实例是否属于特定的子类型,如果它属于该实例返回“true”,否则将返回“false”。

复制代码 代码如下:

class Subjects {
var physics: String
init(physics: String) {
self.physics = physics

class Chemistry: Subjects {
var equations: String
init(physics: String, equations: String) {
self.equations = equations
super.init(physics: physics)

class Maths: Subjects {
var formulae: String
init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
self.formulae = formulae
super.init(physics: physics)

let sa = [
Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]

let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")

let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0
for item in sa {
if item is Chemistry {
} else if item is Maths {

println("Subjects in chemistry contains \(chemCount) topics and maths contains \(mathsCount) topics")

当我们使用 playground 运行上面的程序,得到以下结果。

? 1 2 3 4 5 Instance physics is: solid physics Instance equation is: Hertz Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz Subjects in chemistry contains 2 topics and maths contains 3 topics

向下类型转换的子类型可以有两个操作符(如:as? 和 as!)。as? 当值是nil,返回一个可选值。它是用来检查成功向下转型。

“as!” 返回强制解包裹,如可选链,向下转换返回 nil 值。它用来触发运行时错误在向下转型出现故障时

复制代码 代码如下:

class Subjects {
var physics: String
init(physics: String) {
self.physics = physics

class Chemistry: Subjects {
var equations: String
init(physics: String, equations: String) {
self.equations = equations
super.init(physics: physics)

class Maths: Subjects {
var formulae: String
init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
self.formulae = formulae
super.init(physics: physics)

let sa = [
Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]

let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")

let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0

for item in sa {
if let print = item as? Chemistry {
println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
} else if let example = item as? Maths {
println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)")

当我们使用 playground 运行上面的程序,得到以下结果。

? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Instance physics is: solid physics Instance equation is: Hertz Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series


复制代码 代码如下:

class Subjects {
var physics: String
init(physics: String) {
self.physics = physics

class Chemistry: Subjects {
var equations: String
init(physics: String, equations: String) {
self.equations = equations
super.init(physics: physics)

class Maths: Subjects {
var formulae: String
init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
self.formulae = formulae
super.init(physics: physics)

let sa = [
Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]

let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")

let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0

for item in sa {
if let print = item as? Chemistry {
println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
} else if let example = item as? Maths {
println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)")

var exampleany = [Any]()

exampleany.append("Example for Any")
exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"))

for print in exampleany {
switch print {
case let someInt as Int:
println("Integer value is \(someInt)")
case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
println("Pi value is \(someDouble)")
case let someString as String:
case let phy as Chemistry:
println("Topics '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)")

当我们使用 playground 运行上面的程序,得到以下结果。

? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Instance physics is: solid physics Instance equation is: Hertz Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series Integer value is 12 Pi value is 3.14159 Example for Any Topics 'solid physics', Hertz AnyObject


复制代码 代码如下:

class Subjects {
var physics: String
init(physics: String) {
self.physics = physics

class Chemistry: Subjects {
var equations: String
init(physics: String, equations: String) {
self.equations = equations
super.init(physics: physics)

class Maths: Subjects {
var formulae: String
init(physics: String, formulae: String) {
self.formulae = formulae
super.init(physics: physics)

let saprint: [AnyObject] = [Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"),
Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz"),
Chemistry(physics: "Thermo physics", equations: "Decibels"),
Maths(physics: "Astro Physics", formulae: "MegaHertz"),
Maths(physics: "Differential Equations", formulae: "Cosine Series")]

let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplechem.physics)")
println("Instance equation is: \(samplechem.equations)")

let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "Fluid Dynamics", formulae: "Giga Hertz")
println("Instance physics is: \(samplemaths.physics)")
println("Instance formulae is: \(samplemaths.formulae)")

var chemCount = 0
var mathsCount = 0

for item in saprint {
if let print = item as? Chemistry {
println("Chemistry topics are: '\(print.physics)', \(print.equations)")
} else if let example = item as? Maths {
println("Maths topics are: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)")

var exampleany = [Any]()
exampleany.append("Example for Any")
exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "solid physics", equations: "Hertz"))

for print in exampleany {
switch print {
case let someInt as Int:
println("Integer value is \(someInt)")
case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
println("Pi value is \(someDouble)")
case let someString as String:
case let phy as Chemistry:
println("Topics '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)")

当我们使用 playground 运行上面的程序,得到以下结果。

? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Instance physics is: solid physics Instance equation is: Hertz Instance physics is: Fluid Dynamics Instance formulae is: Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'solid physics', Hertz Maths topics are: 'Fluid Dynamics', Giga Hertz Chemistry topics are: 'Thermo physics', Decibels Maths topics are: 'Astro Physics', MegaHertz Maths topics are: 'Differential Equations', Cosine Series Integer value is 12 Pi value is 3.14159 Example for Any Topics 'solid physics', Hertz

