import osimport sysimport tornado.websocketimport tornado.webimport tornado.ioloopimport redisimport salt.clientfrom tornado import genfrom tornado.escape import to_unicodefrom logs.utility import get_last_linesfrom logs import settingsclass SubWebSocket(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): """ 此handler处理远程日志查看 """ def open(self, *args, **kwargs): print("opened") @gen.coroutine def on_message(self, message): # 主机名,要查看的日志路径,运行脚本的命令这些信息从浏览器传过来 hostname, log_path, cmd = message.split("||") local = salt.client.LocalClient() r = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_HOST, port=settings.REDIS_PORT, password=settings.REDIS_PASSWD, db=5) # 订阅频道,服务器和日志路径确定一个频道 key = settings.LOG_KEY.format(server=hostname.strip(), log_path=log_path.strip()) channel = r.pubsub() channel.subscribe(key) # 异步方式执行命令,远程运行脚本 local.cmd_async(hostname, "cmd.run", [cmd]) try: while True: data = channel.get_message() if not data: # 如果读取不到消息,间隔一定时间,避免无谓的CPU消耗 yield gen.sleep(0.05) continue if data["type"] == "message": line = format_line(data["data"]) self.write_message(line) except tornado.websocket.WebSocketClosedError: self.close() def on_close(self): global FLAG FLAG = False print("closed")def format_line(line): line = to_unicode(line) if "INFO" in line: color = "#46A3FF" elif "WARN" in line: color = "#FFFF37" elif "ERROR" in line: color = "red" elif "CRITICAL" in line: color = "red" else: color = "#FFFFFF" return "<span style='color:{}'>{}</span>".format(color, line)class EchoWebSocket(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def open(self): print("WebSocket opened") @gen.coroutine def on_message(self, message): log = message print "log file: ", log try: with open(log, 'r') as f: for line in get_last_lines(f): line1 = format_line(line) self.write_message(line1) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: yield gen.sleep(0.05) continue self.write_message(format_line(line.strip())) except tornado.websocket.WebSocketClosedError as e: print e self.close() # def check_origin(self, origin): # print origin, self.request.headers.get("Host") # # super(EchoWebSocket, self).check_origin() # return True def on_close(self): print("WebSocket closed")class Application(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self): handlers = [ (r'/log/', MainHandler), # 提供浏览页面,页面中的JS与服务器建立连接 (r'/log/local', EchoWebSocket), # 处理本地日志实时查看,比较简单 (r'/log/remote', SubWebSocket), # 处理远程日志实时查看,稍微复杂 ] settings = { "debug": True, "template_path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"), "static_path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), } super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): # 要查看的日志路径 log = self.get_argument("log", None) # hostname实际上是saltstack中这台机器对应的minion id hostname = self.get_argument("hostname", None) # 本地日志还是远程日志 type = self.get_argument("type", "local") # 运行读取实时日志的脚本,参数比较多,后面会有 cmd = self.get_argument("cmd", "") context = { "log": log, "hostname": hostname, "type": type, "cmd": cmd, } self.render("index.html", **context)配置文件中主要记录了redis服务器的地址等信息
# encoding: utf-8LOG_KEY = "logs:{server}:{log_path}"LOG_NAME = "catalina.out"TAIL_LINE_NUM = 20REDIS_HOST = ""REDIS_PORT = "6379"REDIS_PASSWD = NoneREDIS_EXPIRE = 300try: from local_settings import *except ImportError: passindex.html的内容如下:
<html><head><link href="{{ static_url('public/css/public.css') }}" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="{{ static_url('kylin/css/style.css') }}" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet" /></head><body style="background:#000000"><div style="margin-left:10px;"> <pre id="id-content"> </pre> <div id="id-bottom"></div> <input type="hidden" id="id-log" value="{{ log }}" /> <input type="hidden" id="id-type" value="{{ type }}" /> <input type="hidden" id="id-hostname" value="{{ hostname }}" /> <input type="hidden" id="id-cmd" value="{{ cmd }}" /> <div class="btns btns_big"> <button type="button" class="query_btn cancle" id="id-stop">Stop</button> <button type="button" class="query_btn commit" id="id-start">Start</button> </div></div><script type="text/javascript" src="{{ static_url('js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js') }}"></script><script type="text/javascript"> var log_name = $("#id-log").val(); var type = $("#id-type").val(); var hostname = $("#id-hostname").val(); var cmd = $("#id-cmd").val(); // 初始化websocket对象 var ws = new WebSocket("ws://{{ request.host }}/log/" + type); ws.onopen = function(){ if (type === "local"){ ws.send(log_name); } else { // 建立连接后把相关信息发往服务器,对应上面的SubWebSocket ws.send(hostname + "||" + log_name + "||" + cmd); } }; var get_message = function(evt){ $("#id-content").append(evt.data + "\n"); document.getElementById("id-bottom").scrollIntoView() }; ws.onmessage = get_message; // 两个按钮控制日志的输出,如果看到需要的日志信息,可以暂停日志的输出, // 之后可以继续启动日志的输出 $("#id-stop").click(function(){ ws.onmessage = function(){}; }) $("#id-start").click(function(){ ws.onmessage = get_message; })</script></body></html>这个tornado仅仅是提供了实时日志的服务,实际项目使用的是django,django中要做的其实很简单,提供log_name,hostname,type,cmd等四个参数。
class LogView(KylinView): # 实时读取日志的脚本,事先使用saltstack批量传到各台服务器上 client_path = "/tmp/logtail.py" def get(self, request): minion_id = request.GET.get("minion_id") context = { "minion_id": minion_id, "tail_log_url": settings.TAIL_LOG_URL, } return render(request, "cmdb/log_view.html", context) def post(self, request): minion_id = request.POST.get("minion_id") log_path = request.POST.get("log_path") if not log_path: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "请填写日志路径"}) try: # 制定一开始读取的行数 line_count = request.POST.get("line_count") except (TypeError, ValueError): return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "请输入正确的行数"}) local = salt.client.LocalClient() # 确保saltstack能连通并且日志文件存在 ret = local.cmd(minion_id, "file.file_exists", [log_path]) if minion_id not in ret: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "服务器无法连通"}) if not ret[minion_id]: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "日志文件不存在"}) # 组成命令的各个参数,redis信息需要和tornado配置文件中的redis信息一致 cmd = "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( settings.PYTHON_BIN, self.client_path, minion_id, log_path, line_count, settings.REDIS_HOST, settings.REDIS_PORT, settings.REDIS_PASSWD) # settings.TAIL_LOG_URL是tornado中MainHandler对应的url,把其它几个 # 参数组合成最终的URL,直接访问这个URL就可以在浏览器中实时读取日志了。 url = "{}?type=remote&log={}&hostname={}&cmd={}".format( settings.TAIL_LOG_URL, log_path, minion_id, cmd) # 这一步的操作确保同一个日志文件只有一个脚本在读取,避免日志信息重复,这一步 # 也很重要,必不可少 local.cmd(minion_id, "cmd.run", ["kill `ps aux|grep logtail.py|grep %s|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`" % (log_path,)]) return JsonResponse({"success": True, "url": url})下面来看看logtail.py的实现:
# encoding: utf-8from __future__ import unicode_literals, divisionimport mathimport timeimport sysimport socketimport signalimport redisFLAG = Truedef get_last_lines(f, num=10): """读取文件的最后几行 """ size = 1000 try: f.seek(-size, 2) except IOError: # 文件内容不足size f.seek(0) return f.readlines()[-num:] data = f.read() lines = data.splitlines() n = len(lines) while n < num: size *= int(math.ceil(num / n)) try: f.seek(-size, 2) except IOError: f.seek(0) return f.readlines()[-num:] data = f.read() lines = data.splitlines() n = len(lines) return lines[-num:]def process_line(r, channel, line): r.publish(channel, line.strip())def sig_handler(signum, frame): global FLAG FLAG = False# 收到退出信号后,以比较优雅的方式终止脚本signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler)# 为了避免日志输出过多,浏览器承受不住,设置5分钟后脚本自动停止signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_handler)signal.alarm(300)def get_hostname(): return socket.gethostname()def force_str(s): if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode("utf-8") return sdef tail(): password = sys.argv[6] if password == "None": password = None r = redis.StrictRedis(host=sys.argv[4], port=sys.argv[5], password=password, db=5) log_path = sys.argv[2] line_count = int(sys.argv[3]) # 往redis频道发送实时日志 channel = "logs:{hostname}:{log_path}".format(hostname=sys.argv[1], log_path=log_path) with open(log_path, 'r') as f: last_lines = get_last_lines(f, line_count) for line in last_lines: process_line(r, channel, force_str(line)) try: while FLAG: # 通过信号控制这个变量,实现优雅退出循环 line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.05) continue process_line(r, channel, line) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print("Exiting...")if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 6: print "Usage: %s minion_id log_path host port redis_pass" exit(1) tail()到此为止,整个实时读取远程日志的流程就讲完了。
github: https://github.com/tuxinhang1989/logs
一、开始的话 使用python简单的实现websocket服务器,可以在浏览器上实时显示远程服务器的日志信息。 之前做了一个web版的发布系统,但没实现在线